WYJA Forms

My writing workbook Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks: A Guide to Academic Publishing Success (2019) requires you to write information and answers in various boxes and forms in the book. If you want to preserve your book without marks, however, you can use the pdf forms below (currently, only full-page forms are posted below; none of the partial-page boxes are posted although I list them below). They are listed according to chapter.

Second Edition (2019) Forms

The same form appears at the end of Weeks 2 through 12: Calendar for Actual Time Spent Writing This Week Form

Introduction: Using This Workbook forms, including Writing Commitment Agreement for a Group;Writing Commitment Agreement for Two People

Week 1: Designing Your Plan for Writing forms, including My Feelings about My Experience of Writing; Common Elements in My Negative Feelings about Writing; Common Elements in My Positive Feelings about Writing; Week 1 Calendar for Actual (Not Planned) Time Spent Writing This Week form; Obstacles to Writing My Journal Article form; Possible Solutions to My Writing Interruptions and Obstacles; Week 1 Calendar for Planned (Not Actual) Time Spent Writing This Week form; Twelve-Week Calendar for Planning Article Writing Schedule form; My Writing Plan Decisions; Deciding My Article Type; Deciding Which Paper to Revise; My Revising Tasks; Writing Site Decisions; Writing Site Improvements; Reference Software Management Decision; File Backup System Decision; Coauthorship Decisions

Week 2: Advancing Your Argument forms, including Deciding about Revisions; What Is My Argument? Argument Tests form; What Is My Argument now? (2x); Drawing My Argument; Am I in Argument Crisis? Argument Checks; My Argument; My Evidence; Reviewers’ Comments on my Argument; New and Altered Arguments; Belcher Calendar for Actual Time Spent Writing This Week Form

Week 3: Abstracting Your Article forms, including Lessons to Be Learned from My Past Week’s Writing Experiences; My SciQua Article Abstract form; My HumInt Article Abstract form; What My Article Is About; What I Learned by Doing This Exercise; What I Learned by Studying Recent Abstracts; My Abstract Checklist form; My Good Article as Model Checklist form; What I Learned by Reading Strong Articles; What I Learned by Reading Articles to Cite in My Article; Reviewer’s Comments on My Abstract; Calendar for Actual Time Spent Writing This Week form

Week 4: Selecting a Journal forms, including Lessons I Learned from the Third Week’s Writing Experiences; Journals I Know of That Might Be Suitable for My Article; Appropriate Journals for My Article; My Aims in Publishing This Article; Journals Others Recommended to Me; Suitable Journals in Ulrich’s, the MLA Directory, Online Lists, or Online Databases; Suitable Journals That Turned Up in My Articles’ Citations or My Advisors’ Citations; Suitable Journals from My Searches of Library Shelves, Journal Publisher Websites, Online Journal Evaluation Sites, and Google Scholar; Journal Evaluation Form; Suitable Journals in Order of Submission; First, Second, and Third Journal Choice; Implications of Journal Choice; Calendar for Actual Time Spent Writing This Week form. Also, see the online Journal Evaluation Google Form.

Week 5: Refining Your Works Cited forms, including Positive Message to Myself about Writing; Primary, Contextual, Methodological Theoretical Literature, Related Secondary, Derivative Literature I Cite; Better Citation Habits; More Related Literature; Entry Points; Related-Literature Review; Evaluating Types of Citations; Citation Evaluation Form; Citation Values Evaluation Form; Calendar for Actual Time Spent Writing This Week

Week 6: Crafting Your Claims for Significance forms, including Types of Claims for Significance; Journal Article Review Feedback Form; My Claims for Significance; Current Status of My Article; Calendar for Actual Time Spent Writing This Week

Week 7: Analyzing Your Evidence forms, including Types of Evidence Use; My Proportion of Evidence to Interpretation; Quality of Evidence; Relevance of Evidence; Placement of Evidence; Quality of Interpretation; Final Decisions about Evidence and Interpretation; Calendar for Actual Time Spent Writing This Week

Week 8: Presenting Your Evidence forms, including Obtaining Permissions; Principles for Presenting Evidence in My Field; Calendar for Actual Time Spent Writing This Week

Week 9: Strengthening Your Structure forms, including Structural Building Blocks; Structure Signals; Macrostructure; Analyze the Article’s Current Structure; Calendar for Actual Time Spent Writing This Week

Week 10: Opening and Concluding Your Article forms, including My Current Title; Title Terms; My New Title; Introduction Aspects; Choosing a Name; Conclusion Aspects; My Title Checklist Form; My Introduction Checklist Form; My Conclusion Checklist; Calendar for Actual Time Spent Writing This Week

Week 11: Editing Your Sentences forms, including Calendar for Actual Time Spent Writing This Week. To run the Belcher Editing Diagnostic Test in MS word, go to John T. Sherrill’s website. Copy the coding for the macro (it’s quite long) at the Belcher MS Word Editing Diagnostic Test page. Then, follow the instructions in “Week 11: Editing Your Article” of Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks for running the test and evaluating the results. The Sherrill Macro doesn’t work without the writing workbook. There is one update for using the test in Windows 10: you must look for “Record Macros” not “Create Macros” in the fifth step on page 325. Carlos Alfredo Barreto Suárez also created a free program, called BDT_latex, that automates the Belcher LaTeX Editing Diagnostic Test for documents in LaTeX, a document preparation system used in the disciplines of computer science, engineering, chemistry, physics, and sometimes in economics, psychology, and political science. 

Week 12: Sending Your Article forms, including My Journal Submission Checklist form; Warrants; Final Checklist for Sending Form; Lessons Learned from Revising My Article; Calendar for Actual Time Spent Writing This Week

Week X: Revising and Resubmitting Your Article forms, including Reviewers’ Recommendations for Revising My Article Form

Week 0: Writing Your Article from Scratch forms, including Article Drafting Outline Form

First Edition (2009) Forms 


Two-person group commitment form
Multiple-person group commitment form

Week 1: Designing Your Plan for Writing

Twelve-week writing work plan calendar
Weekly writing work plan calendar

Twelve-week writing work plan calendar (MS Word)
Weekly writing work plan calendar (MS Word)

Week 4: Selecting a Journal

Journal review worksheet
Article submission log

Week 5: Reviewing the Related Literature

Analyzing the number and type of your citations

Week 9: Giving, Getting, and Using Others’ Feedback

Form for Reviewing an Article and Giving Useful Feedback

Week X: Responding to Journal Decisions

Analyzing peer reviewer’s feedback